Garage Door Sensor Troubleshoot
If your garage door sensor prevents door from closing, this will be helpful. If you want to keep it simple in Chicago hire a Chicagoland garage door expert, schedule your garage door repair today.
If your garage door opens but it does NOT close, comes down some and then back up it goes, your sensors don’t work. Confirm by the operator over your head blinks 10 times.
You will hear 10 clicks on your opener when the door finishes its way up.
You should see a small color light on each one of your sensors.
For Genie openers a red and a green. They should both be on and solid.
If one of the light is off or blinking.
Garage Door Sensor Placement
Try pointing directly to the lens of the other sensor. If you manage to get both on and solid you should be done. (They are mounted on a track) when they point at each other, green and red light should both be on.
You can insure they are in good range by wiggling either sensor and and check if by moving it around still stays in range.(light will stay on)
The key is to have them face one another without any obstruction in between.
If this is all right and you still have problems, check wiring for staples, cuts on the wire or lose connection.
You could also have a defective sensor. At this point you might want to call an expert to replace it or order one online.
Trouble shooting other brands

For most brands out there, such as liftmaster, Chamberlain, Craftsman and sears, one of the sensors has an ámbar light and one green.
The amber light sends the light signal and green recives it. As long as green recives signal and it’s align the green light will go and stay solid lit.
Place your amber sensor light pointing to generally to green. Then go to the greeen sensor on the other side and make sure you point it to amber.
The green light will be on if it’s in range. Once you have it in range wiggle it around making sure is stays in range. As long as you have a green solid light things will work beautifully.
If want to keep it simple or your garage door opener is too old. You can consider some of the best garage door and options available.
Enjoy !
Hope it helps at least one frustrated homeowner out there. For other garage door opener products check
Other garage door services Chicago north side and Chicago South side include
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