Garage Door Service Pricing
Hello Fellow Garage Door Men. This is Victor from VICTOR Garage Door in Chicago.
I want to share the way we price our residential garage door services. Hope it helps your business.
We are all professionals, doing honest work, with a skill that is always on demand, and provide a top notch customer service, so we should be paid fairly for it.
New Garage Door Installations:
Includes installation, delivery service, taking down old and dispose.
New 16’x 7’ Garage Door Installation non insulated (CHI 2250) $ 950 – $1,300
Insulated (CHI 2283) $1500 and up. (Windows $450+)
New Garage Door Opener Price
New Garage Door Opener Liftmaster 8365 7’ $ 450 and up
Liftmaster Belt drive 8355 7’ $ 550+
LiftmasterWLED $ 750
$150+ if customer buys elsewhere.
Spring Repairs (1 spring $ 200+, 2 springs $ 280-$ 500)
$ 85- $135 each spring, then we add, service call fees ($25- $80) and installation ( $ 80- $150 for one or both)
1- Always encourage customer to replace both at the same time to saved them time and money on an additional service call and labor.
2– Encourage customers to replace their extension system with torsion for safety and better performance since they lift the door evenly from both sides.
3- Let the customer know you will include safety inspection and lubrication with any garage door or opener repair.
Garage Door Parts
Parts are in the $10 to $60 range for the smaller hardware. We add the service call fee ($29-$80) for making the trip.
• Rollers: $10 – $15 each- installed
• Hinges: $15 – $25
• Bearings: $ 25 -$ 50
• Cables: $ 40 – $ 60
• Bottom brackets: $ 25 – $ 35
• Drums: $ 30 – $50
Opener parts:
• Gear: $95+ (+Service call+ Installation) $200-$250
• Logic board: $125+ (Service Call + Installation) $200- $250
• Sensors: $65 + (Service call + Installation) $ 150- $ 180
• Remotes: $ 50+ (Service call + Programming?? $45+) $90-$120
Maintenance service: $75 and up, plus service call fee for trip costs.($29-$80)
Include spring lube (rollers, hinges, bearings, springs), adjusting opener chain, safety inspection, sensor adjustments, programming a remote, reconnect their door to the opener, etc, simple repairs.
Grow Your Business to Help More Customers
Most home owners are always on the defensive when you tell the cost of your service. You make a 60 minute trip and fix their problem in 15 and they only want to pay for those 15 mins of work.
No blame, these customers are unaware what it takes to get an expert at their comfort of their home.
When you service one such customer, kindly and friendly explain the expenses involved in the cost of your service. You are running a business and proving a service.
Your Time, Fleet Maintenance, Employees, Insurance, Marketing, Office space, Tools, Gas, Tolls, Phone Line, Material Acquisition, etc.
Do Great Work and Give Outstanding Service
Before you go out and start skyrocketing your prices, make sure your service it is worth it to the customer. Have a good garage door website that is focused on bringing customer in and get the convert them into customers.
• Communicate and get approval before you do ANY work
• Be there when you say you will be there.
• Be respectful and friendly
• ALWAYS clean up after your work
• Avoid/Make your call backs
• Offer quality parts and equipment
Your ideal customer
Not everyone out there is your customer. There are some companies who offer cheap or used door but most homeowners do not want that kind of service. To work with your favorite customer you first need to bring them in to your website when they are looking for your service.
A good web site will sell your business online 24/7. It works best to have it optimized to convert visitors into actual clients. Like the one looking for help with a broken spring.
Imagine Amanda has a broken spring and doesn’t know what to do. You know you can use your remote, stand by the door, and help the opener lift, but she does not.
She does not have a Yellow Book. She has a smart phone, so she will probably Google something like “garage door repair in…your town”.
Are you in the first page of Google? If you are, congratulations buddy! You will get the call. If you are not, check this site and they can get you there.
If you have any other question or doubts about how to price your service or to rank higher on Google in your local area, shoot me a tex or call 773-869-2299 on working hours. Not on a Saturday night when I am out enjoying a beer with friends at a bar.
Victor Martinez
A garage door WEB DESIGNER, entrepreneur, and technician from Chicago. We create garage door websites that gain authority. Also, Help garage door business bring $ 400+ average tickets home. Ask how
How profitable is a garage door business
Let’s see how profitable is a garage door business. You can make a lot of money repairing, installing, and servicing garage doors.
Your location and competition will give you an idea of how profitable you can be with your garage door business. The more competitive your area is the more you will need to invest in marketing or an a competitive website.
Repairs range between $80-$600- Material can be $0 – $80
New instalaltion $980- $8000- materials : $400- $3000
How much does a garage door business make
How much does a garage door business make depends on how many jobs you get per month.
Say if you get 10 repairs and 10 installation a week and using the prices above:
Garage Door Repair Average $340 x 10 = $3,400 Parts: $800….Total: $2,600
Most common Installations: $1400 x 10= $14,000 Parts: $5,000… Total: $9,000
You still have to include your expenses such as marketing, fleet and other expenses but that’s the basic info on how much does a garage door business make. For legal help to start a garage door business check them out.
Victor Garage Door Websites

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